My life in pictures


Sweet Valentine Love-ings!!

Well I meant to post this much earlier than today but time flies, when you are having fun wasting time.

Which, let’s be honest here, is most likely what happened.

I guess I would rather be on time though, than late, so tonight is the night! 🎵It’s the night of our nightmares, it’s the night of our dreams,🎵 (Highschool Musical anyone? Anyone?)

Since I have no coworkers at the moment, I decided to bake cupcakes for Brandon’s!!!!! He was having a meeting and it’s nice to know that at least 12 people are eating the things I bake. Now whether it’s because they taste good or because they are made by the boss’ wife, we can’t be sure. But I’ll assume it’s because they taste awesome!

They are mini cupcakes! Featuring:

The swirl rose (2 pics) and the star flowers using Wilton tip 107.

3-5-7 Roses . Also to make flat petal roses. Using Wilton tip 102. Neither pictured here…because I forgot to take a picture of them.

And here’s a pic of all the types.
20140214-172033.jpg That’s not all the cupcakes,don’t worry.

To continue my valentine kick, I made some cards to send to some peeps! In the process of my creative card making I made 2 discoveries.
1. I over think what I want to create and spend more time thinking then doing.
2. I don’t have a heart shaped stamp…or punch… Or stencil.

Ok well I do have a heart shaped stamp that is very beautiful and I totally love! But I don’t hand a regular one. And more importantly, and useful, I don’t have a punch or a nestability frame thing to cut out hearts!

My very loving and understanding husband gave me the ok to go to Joann’s and get a heart stamp. The day before Valentine’s Day. Cause I’m like that…last minute lady.

PROBLEM!!!! There were 0 heart stamps (in their selection of like 20 stamps in the whole store….seriously lame).

Ph but wait here’s 3 nestability type cutting frames…. One is all bubbly-lacey-weird and is $25.00….PASS!!!
The other two are super weird shapes hearts…PASS!!!

Let’s see… Ahh punches! Here’s one that is nice shape, and pretty cheap, especially with my coupon. Ooh but I have to buy the $30 starter kit separately first…. Yeah, no.

Well looks like it’s this one stamp. Looks like it’s been returned before and resealed with scotch tape…. Well looks like it will have to do!
Oh and I need more paper…and ribbon…OOOOOH! And glitter!


So there they are. And now they are in the mail whisking their way to someone’s mailbox!

Love you guys!
Happy Valentines Day!

P.s. Most people don’t know this, but “Happy Valentine’s Day” spelled backwards is “Yad Senitnelav Yppah,” which means “You Stupid Sucker” in Cherub language. Cupid told me.

My Mom’s Garden

I love my mom’s garden. She has a green thumb for sure. I on the other hand kill just about every growing plant I get. Or my kitten eats it…

On the other hand my mom will find a dying plant on sale at a store, buy it for a super cheap price, and make it flourish. I don’t know how she does it but it is spectacular! Of course I love doing my favorite thing in her garden, which is taking pictures! Woot!










This is my god daughter Twila on the 4th of July.

I love taking pictures of kids because they are natural posers.

Seriously. Twila had her container of bubbles and we were set!

If you are interested in having your pictures, or your children’s pictures done, send me an email at and we will set something up.


Camdyn James

I had the opportunity to hang out with my friend Mindy and her ADORABLE little boy Camdyn James.

As we spent the time catching up I snapped a few pics of Camdyn. I also posted them on Facebook. So here they are! In all his cuteness!!

Isn’t he adorable!? I loved taking photos of him. So big thanks to Mindy and the little man too!


Lan Su Chinese Gardens

I love this place!

It is beautiful and peaceful. Like a little oasis in the  middle of downtown Portland.

My favorite thing is that as you look around inside the garden at the tranquility and peace, you can look up just a little bit and see the skyscrapers that hold us in our busy lifes…

So here’s a little sample of its beauty.


Here’s Brandon in a boat.
I thought I’d post something here since I haven’t in a while.


Ben’s Graduation

My brother Ben graduated from college!

He went to Concordia University like me. But he graduated with a degree in English. I graduated with a degree in eleemtary education. I’m not actually teaching elementary school though…

that’s not the point though. ON WITH THE SHOW!

His happy grin

Ben and Grandma T

Dad and Mom are so proud!


Ben and Aunt Mim

These following pics are from the final concert of the year. I had to presuade Ben to audition for the choir. Once he did he astounded everyone! He has an AMAZING voice and has won some money in contests for it. He also did symphonic band.

And was pretty good too 😉

Ben Playing Timpani

Singing in the choir

Did I mention Ben and I went to the same college?

Well in my final year I recieved the Cum Jubilo award for outstanding musical commitment and prowess (making that up, the last part about the prowess).

And so did BEN! Yeay Ben!!

Ben and Kurt


Hugs for Kurt

And here are some bonus pics! Just cause I think you deserve them!

Gotta love choir faces!

More choir faces! Choirs make the best faces


A handbell. You gotta hand it to them. *chuckle*



Spring is coming

I just wanted to inform you that we are half way through winter and spring is on it’s way.

And here is proof!


I drove past this tree with some blossoms on it.

I drove by it again on my way home and snapped some pics as the sun was setting.

I had some fun editing them.


Snapped a few pics after work as the sun set and the fog rolled in.





I played with some texture here. Going for the ‘looking out your front porch’ look. Or davenport, as Brandon might call it.


My reluctant model

Brandon, my lovey, is under the delusion that he is not photographable.


Well he is wrong.


As this photographical proof will show you.

Don’t do it Brandon! It’s just a picture!! jk! He’s just checking out our view.





Relaxing… He really wasn’t sure about this pose, but I think it worked. 🙂





I threw this one in there because Brandon is so brave! We climbed the Astoria Tower and this is as close as he came to the railing for about 10 seconds.

Don’s laugh. He’s brave!


I love you Brandon. Thank you for being my reluctant model! You are the best!



Some beautiful colors of fall.



My Seasonal Choice


The last sunflower of summer
Reaching for the hidden sun
The clouds covering any hint of blue

A gently friend hiding from the drizzling rain.